Hazing Prevention Campaigns
Learning about Evelyn and Jim Piazza—who have worked to end hazing after losing their son, Tim—made me want to get involved with hazing prevention.
I developed a communication programme (ongoing) that approaches hazing prevention from a few different routes—each tailored to resonate with a specific target audience.
My work for the following spans everything from concept through execution—including development of strategies, conducting interviews, writing copy, designing layouts and creating animations.
Part 1
Understanding Hazing
Part 1 : Understanding Hazing ✣
Route 1: Understanding Hazing
Educational, Interactive
Target-audience: Students interested in understanding what hazing is.
How: Direct engagement via an interactive Instagram story series.
Part 2
Tough Love
Part 2 : Tough Love ✣
Route 2:
Statements of “Tough Love”
Challenging, Questioning
Target-audience: Students who appreciate structure and boundaries, and just need a reminder that hazing—despite what their peers might say—is not okay.
How: Environmental campaign installed in various locations on campus.
Part 3
Part 3 : #NewTraditions ✣
Route 3: #NewTraditions
Action Oriented
Target-audience: Students who are already in groups, and are in search of activities to do together—to achieve the outcomes that they currently associate with hazing through more benign, alternate means (bonding, trust, leadership, ...).
How: Via social media
My Role
I conceptualised this (ongoing) self-initiated effort, and drive all stages from strategy to copy-writing to gathering + implementing input from stakeholders, to scheduling + art-directing photo-shoots to design and production.